Sunday, February 19, 2006

Chicago GSB Interview

I've included brief interview blurbs in the wiki-wuh wiki-wiki-wuh wiki-wiki-wiki-wiki-wiki... (DJ, turn it up! *wink*)

Coming out from the Chicago cold, I strutted down the hall of the HPC until I found the Admissions Office on my left. Before pulling the door open, I took a deep breath, and then stepped through the doors.

I was met by a room full of applicants and 1st-years. The applicants glanced around nervously. The 1st-years grinned and welcomed us, helping to calm our nerves. I took a seat next to a 1st-year. He talked. And he talked. And he talked. I began to wonder if he ever stopped to take a breath. :-) Letting him continue his monologue, my mind began to wander, reviewing the interview q's I had studied an hour before.

The admissions door opened and a princess glided over. Greeting me with a friendly smile, we shook hands firmly. She led me to a meeting room. My interviewer explained this was a casual interview. It was blind, so she had only seen my resume. She shot off her first question: "Tell me about when you co-managed this project."

Other Q's:
- Tell me about a teamwork experience from work.
- What are your long-term and short-term goals?

On the topic of marketing, her eyes lit up and she spoke about her summer marketing internship. We discussed GSB's unbeknown strength in marketing and its curriculum. Surprisingly, she never asked me the famous "Why GSB?" question, so I attempted to tie all my answers back to "Why GSB."

Also, prompted from my resume:
- Tell me about your hip-hop dancing.
- Tell me something interesting from your trip to Thailand.

The 30 minutes were soon up, and I was given 5 minutes to ask her questions. Afterwards, I thanked her and left the office. I headed towards the cafe to re-energize. Sitting down with my food, the French man approached me. "I heard you were here! How did it go?" *kiss kiss hug hug* He looked exhausted from his battle with the 1st-year recruiting season. We wished each other well, and he left for a group meeting.

I ate my sushi.


Blogger Vinay Pandey said...

That sounds like a great interview. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on you getting a Chicago admit!

Good luck with your Stanford Interview! do keep us posted.

February 19, 2006 6:19 PM  
Blogger Forrest Gump said...

sounds like the interview went pretty well. Good Luck and great job !

February 19, 2006 6:25 PM  
Blogger Marina said...

Now I want to know about the hip hop....

February 19, 2006 7:37 PM  
Blogger Anuj said...

Wow looks like you did a great job at the interview.. best of luck.

Well, you sure should plan a trip to india, its an amazing place with so much of diversity :) Would be glad to be of help when you are visiting india.

February 19, 2006 7:50 PM  
Blogger Fritz Van de Kamp said...

I have been reading your blog off and on I figured I would finally comment. Filling out those apps must have been exhausting. Considering you have interviewed with Stanford I am sure you will have many choices come fall. I noticed that you went to UW undergrad so I might have to ask you some questions down the road. I was admitted to UW B-School but it isn't my first choice (still waiting to hear from UCLA and Haas). Anyhoo, I have a new blog so amidst your busy schedule maybe you could check it.

February 19, 2006 9:35 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

looks like it went well..something tells me your worst problem is yet to come...which school to go to? that will be the hard part for you..

February 20, 2006 1:17 AM  
Blogger SgHama said...

Congratulations! Ditto wat marina said - explain more about ur hip hop dancing... can you break =)

February 20, 2006 5:12 AM  
Blogger Marina said...

I LOVE to dance and would totally be down to shake it in celebration of your interviews!!! Just let me know when you guys want to get together, with all the free time I have these days I am sure I can meet up :)

February 20, 2006 10:05 AM  
Blogger Anuj said...

I have mailed you as I had a lot to say about freakonomics :) let me know incase you dont get it.

February 20, 2006 10:08 AM  

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